Topic outline

  • General Information for LTP2 SUSTAINABILITY & DIGITALITY


    This Learning and Teaching Package (LTP) introduces the relationship between digitality and sustainability. Knowledge and pedagogical materials on topics such as harmful effects of digital technologies on the environment, the importance of digital technologies to deal with the climate crisis, and the social inequalities and social dependencies arising from digital infrastructures are addressed. The LTP offers pedagogical materials, invites hands-on projects, networking with school partners and NGOs, and reflection. It also addresses the question of the role of AI, Big Data and Robotics for a more sustainable future.

    TeamPre- and Inservice-Teachers for students (6-10y)

    ECTs0,5 ECTS

    Uhr12,5 hrs

  • Who we are


  • Unit 1 - Introduction: The relationship between digitality and sustainability

    This unit introduces basic knowledge about the relationship between digitality and sustainability. The aim is to understand which ecological, economic and social challenges the digital world poses from a global perspective. But technologies have always been instruments of world measurement, also of world exploration, and thus can make a significant contribution to mitigating the climate crisis. To understand these interrelationships, the terms sustainability and digitality are defined first.

    TimeDuration: 3,5 hrs

    RucksackRequired materials:

    Synchronous Online Session                   

    • Laptop
    Asynchronous Online Session

    • Laptop
    • Paper and Pencil
    Face to Face Session

    • Smartphone or Tablet
    • APP: phyphox
    • Smartphone Microscope (is placed)
    • APP: BookCreator (you need Chrome, Edge or Safari as browser)
    • Environment
    • Willingness to engage in discovery

    Kompetenzen_Version2At the end of this Unit 1, you will...

    ... define the terms digitality and sustainability in their diversity and use them in conversations.

    ... describe ecological, social and economic impacts of digital technologies on the basis of scientific findings.

    ... build up a basic knowledge of the importance of digital technologies for the study of natural phenomena and use it for educational practice.

    ... find and adapt further information and integrate it into heir own teaching.

    ... use the acquired knowledge for school and extracurricular projects.

    • Checklist icon
    • Glossary icon

      In this glossary, you can collaboartively note all technical terms that are new or important to you and their meaning. This can help you to understand them better and to recognize connections.

      Look at what your colleagues have already entered!

    • Start-UpSam

      In this section, you will find two videos and an interactive image that illustrate the key concepts of digitality and sustainability and how they relate to each other. To deepen your understanding, you can work with additional texts and other materials.

      You will then be provided with scientific texts that will help you understand the relationship between digital technology and sustainability. You can then test and deepen your acquired knowledge in the following assignment.

      road map
    • Book icon
    • Book icon
    • URL icon

      After viewing the content for Sustainability, Digitality and Relationship between digital technology and sustainability, answer the following questions on the collaborative interactive whiteboard:

      1) What was new to me?
      2) Where do I still have open questions?
      3) Where does the topic have relevance to me and my work or studies? Give one or two examples.

      We will discuss the results on the ineractive whiteboard in a face to face setting.

      [The following link refers to an example of an online-pinboard. Please insert a link to an online-pinboard of your own.]
    • Folder icon
    • Development


      In this section, you will learn about the relationship between digital technology and the environment through experiments. This is best done in a beautiful Environment and in a face-to-face group session.

      To learn more about for example ecological problems of digital technologies, you can finde more informations and materials in Unit 2-4 of this LTP.

      TimeDuration: 3 hrs

      RucksackRequired materials:

      Face to Face Session

      • Smartphone, Tablet and/or Notebook
      • APP: phyphox (or similar)
      • Smartphone Microscope (is placed)
      • APP: BookCreator (you need Chrome, Edge or Safari as browser)
      • Beautiful Environment
      • Willingness to engage in discovery


    • Smartphone sensors

    • H5P icon
    • Page icon

      An exciting experiment awaits you here!


    • Instructions for the smartphone microscope


      Here you can find instructions for using the smartphone microscope.

      Microskop Camera

    • E-Book with BookCreator


      Here you can take a look at a short ebook on the subject of The Flora in Darmstadt. This is just an example and you can be much more creative.




      Task of Step 5: In Worksheet 1.1 we asked you to create an eBook with your research results. Here you will find a link to an app for creating an eBook. You can then show your results to your colleagues and discuss the experience.

      [We recommend working with an app similar to Book-Creator. Please insert your link to an app of your choice here.]

    • Folder icon

      Here you can find the Worksheet: Explore the environment with your smartphone in different formats. Once as a pdf file, so that you can use it directly in class or in teaching. The other file is in .pptx format so that you can modify the worksheet to suit you and your teaching.


      The Worksheet: Explore the environment with your smartphone has a CC0 licence, so no rights are reserved. So feel free to modify and adapt the worksheet!

      Feel free to upload the result of your adjusted worksheet HERE.

    • URL icon

      With this collaborative Taskcard-pinboard, we can collect apps and the experience of using these programs to explore the world.

    • Consolidation

      In this section, all results on the topic Explore the environment with your smartphone should be collected.

      This is done on three different levels:

      • You should walk through the world with open eyes and document the influence of digital technologies. To do this, you can share photos or descriptions of e.g. mobile phone masts, cables, sensors in public spaces, etc. on Taskcard.
      • Collaboratively note down all the arguments that are mentioned in the joint final discussion at the interpretation of "digital-based" research and data-collection in a collaborative document (we use faircloud as an sustainable alternative to googledocs.)
      • Test apps for exploring the world and share your experiences with others.
      • Integrate the Worksheet: Explore the environment with your smartphone into your own teaching and SHARE your adaptations to this worksheet with the other participants.


    • URL icon


      Walk through the environment with your eyes open and notice how digital technologies influence and integrate into the environment.

      Document your impressions through descriptions in text form, photos or sim

    • Follow-up

      At the end of the unit, an online noticeboard will be set up to share experience
      reports on the experiments with others and to enable an exchange on this topic and further project cooperation.
    • Etherpad Lite icon


      Share your experiences with the experiments. What did you like? Where did you encounter difficulties? What new things did you discover?

    • Database icon

      SamIn this database you can upload your edited worksheet and share it with the other participants.

  • Unit 2 - My Smartphone, Planet Earth & Me

    • Sam

      Welcome to UNIT 2 called 

      My Smartphone, Planet Earth & Me!

      In this unit you will "unblack" the box (= your phone) and discover what treasures are hidden inside. You will also learn about the precious raw materials in a phone and where to find them. Unfortunately, they are often mined in terrible conditions. 

      Course Contents

        • Aims and Objectives of the Course
        • General Course Structure
        • Phase #01: Start-Up
        • Phase #02: Development & Hand-on Workshops
        • Phase #03: Consolidation 
        • Materials and Links

    • Page icon
    • Page icon
    • Phase #01: Start-Up 


      30 minutes                                  
      Required materials:                        

      In this section, you will find some basic activities to raise awareness for the topic. To deepen your understanding, you can work with additional texts and other materials.
    • Page icon

      Life cycle of a smartphone with short quiz

    • File icon

      Activity to raise awareness among pupils.

    • Phase #02: Development


      In this section you will learn about the various parts of your phone and the precious metals and minerals that go into it. You will also get to know where many of these metals come from as well as what upcycling means and how trash can be turned into a treasure.

      TimeDuration: 3 hrs

      RucksackRequired materials:
                          - Old Phone, tablet or computer as well as readiness to discover 

                          - Everything else will be provided in the workshops


    • URL icon

      The journey of a conflict-free mineral into the Fairphone 2.

    • Assignment icon

      Poster for Workshop 1: Unblack the Box

    • URL icon

      after WS 1 "Unblack the Box!":

      • Complete the LearningApp. 
      • Find your 1st lucky number! 
      • Write it down and keep it for later!

      LearningApps screenshot of the pairs game: What's Inside your Phone? Match the phone parts!

    • URL icon

      What kinds of valuable rare minerals are in a smartphone? Take a closer look and consider the sustainability of phone production.

    • Assignment icon

      Poster for the Workshop "What's inside your Phone?"

    • URL icon

      after WS 2 "What's inside your Phone?":

      • Complete the LearningApp. 
      • Find your 2nd lucky number! 
      • Write it down and keep it for later!

      Screenshot of Workshop 2: What's inside your phone? Match the cubes with the materials!

    • URL icon

      • Multiplayer kahoot quiz about precious materials in your phone. 
      • You have to answer 7 questions. 
      • Let's see who's the best!

      kahoot quiz in precious materials in a phone. There are 7 questions you have to answer.

    • Assignment icon

      Poster for the TAP TS Workshop assignment "Pin the Planet!

    • URL icon

      after WS 3 "Pin the Planet!":

      • Complete the LearningApp. 
      • Find your 3rd lucky number! 
      • Write it down and keep it for later!

      Screenshot of TAP TS Workshop 3 LearningApp: Where can you find these minerals?

    • URL icon

      A lot of the things we own seem to inevitably end up in the trash. That's kind of a shame because most of those things can be upcycled in tons of fun and creative ways. This, in turn, reduces waste, which is great for the environment. 

    • Assignment icon

      Poster for the TAP TS Workshop "From Trash to Treasure"

    • URL icon


      • Complete the LearningApp. 
      • Find your 4th lucky number! 
      • Write it down and keep it for later!

      Screenshot of TAP TS Workshop 4 LearningApp: From Trash to Treasure

    • Phase #03: Consolidation

      After everything you have learned in this Unit, you should walk around the world with your eyes open to the impact your phone has on planet Earth. 

      It contains so many valuable resources, often mined in inhumane and terrible conditions. 

      So it is really important to use your phone as long as possible, and when you can no longer, you can still reuse or recycle it sensibly! 
      Do not hide it in one of your drawers!
    • File icon

      Activity to reflect on your own media use, media acquisition and media disposal. Based on these reflections, a discursive exchange of the participants is guided by the teacher.

    • Materials and Links

      Here you can find all the worksheets from this course in PDF and PPT versions for further editing. 

      There are also lots of other good resources and links on the subject. 
      Be sure to check them out!
    • Folder icon
    • Folder icon
    • Folder icon
    • Actionbound-Quiz

      For this quiz you have to download the app "Actionbound". Then scan the code with your phone.

      QR Code for the Actionbound quiz

    • File icon



      If you don't have the possibility to disassemble a smartphone yourself there is a video provided here.

  • Unit 3 - The digital technology network on the globe

    Since time immemorial, communication media have shaped the landscape around the globe. This unit provides a brief introduction to the history of media and how early media developments have changed planet Earth to the present day and continue to shape today's digital networks. It also looks at post-colonial entanglements and the question of social justice. "Intro" provides an overview for pre-service and in-service teachers. "Development" consists of two workshops. "Workshop 1: Find the Footprint is for primary schools, while "Workshop 2: Mapping Digital Technology" is for secondary schools. Each workshop contains a series of worksheets numbered in chronological order. In both workshops, students research a topic and display some of their findings on a provided world map.

    TimeDuration: 3,25 hrs

    RucksackRequired materials:
    • World Map (out of paper, carpet or any other)
    • Worksheets (provided)

    • Intro (Pre- and Inservice-Teachers)

      Societies and technologies build and shape each other, but what are the ecological and social benefits of technological innovation?  What are the ecological implications of the digital transformation and the associated ever-increasing demand for energy? From a social perspective, we need to ask who benefits from technological innovation, who has access to it and who can actively participate in it to ensure democratic and just societies in a global digital world.

      Before you start working with your students, ask yourself some questions: Have you ever thought about the social or environmental consequences of our technological innovations? What are their effects on our social coexistence around the world? Why is the global demand for energy constantly increasing? What is the impact of AI on the environment and the climate crisis? In which parts of the world do people benefit from technological innovation?

      In this context, it is important to look critically at one's own ideas about the world and to identify possible misconceptions. Use the materials provided to think about these aspects in more depth.

    • Page icon

      "Energy is critical to our modern lives. But our increasing demand for it has created a range of political, social and environmental problems." (LifeSquared)

    • URL icon

      "The first rendering displays the relative densities of Internet connectivity across the globe.." (Chris Harrison)

    • URL icon

      "Worldview Upgrader is a fun educational tool created to help people rid themselves of common systematic misconceptions about global development." (Gapminder)

    • URL icon

      "Watch everyday life in hundreds of homes on all income levels across the world, to counteract the media’s skewed selection of images of other places." (Gapminder)

    • URL icon
      The part that artificial intelligence plays in climate change has come under scrutiny, including from tech workers themselves who joined the global climate strike last year. Much can be done by developing tools to quantify the carbon cost of machine learning models and by switching to a sustainable artificial intelligence infrastructure.

    • Workshop 1: Find the Footprint! (Primary)

      This workshop focuses on global connectivity through digital media and tries to give even the youngest students a sense of the interconnected world we live in. One aim of this workshop is to give the children an idea of the different levels of energy consumption around the world. Another aim is to help students develop a global perspective.


      As an introduction, the continents and some countries are worked out together. The first two worksheets start with the question "What do you know about our continents?" and offer a mini-quiz. Of course, other materials from geography lessons can be used as well. It is also helpful to have materials that can be used to explain in a child-friendly way why the earth is warming due to climate change (e.g. "Climate Change – According to a Kids" – linked below).

    • URL icon

      This video explains climate change to children. This video is an additional resource to the Start-Up.

    • Development

      Next, a "mini-game-of-pair" shows how everyday things use energy - with a focus on media use. Important terms are then explained to help children understand the concept of 'carbon footprint'. Worksheets 5 and 6 show that different countries use different amounts of energy. Finally, children research which countries have a small, medium and large carbon footprint and discuss possible reasons for this.

    • Consolidation

      Finally, the children think about where they use energy in their everyday lives, draw their own footprint and consider where they could save energy themselves.

    • URL icon

      The Climate Handprint is the complement to the CO2 Footprint. It shows and measures what we can do to protect the climate. We increase it through our own actions and by supporting social change. This site is in German.

    • Follow-Up

      There are some ideas for follow-up activities:

      A) Pupils can draw their own footprint and think about what kind of energy they use.
      B) There are a number of "CO 2 footprint calculators" to work out your own footprint - try them out!
      C) Climate psychologist Thomas Brudermann provides great illustrations on this topic - use them as a conversation starter. 

      Resources B and C are linked below.
    • URL icon

      "Ecological Footprint? How many planets do we need if everybody lives like you? 
When is your personal Overshoot Day"

    • URL icon

      German climate psychologist Thomas Brudermann provides illustrations related to climate psychology in German and English. These can be used under the Creative Commons licence CC-BY-ND. They may be useful for further discussion.

    • Workshop 2: Mapping Digital Technology (Secondary)

      When we think of the Internet, we often associate terms such as 'wireless', 'cloud' or 'cyberspace'. These associations obscure the fact that our digital infrastructure is built on material foundations and is therefore closely linked to issues of environmental and social justice. This workshop will explore this issue, starting with the undersea cables in our oceans. Again, the materiality of digitality is addressed, but from a global perspective.


      This workshop starts with a short game of pairs around some internet terms. After the introduction to the topic, the students are invited to think about how the internet works.

    • URL icon
      "About 300 undersea fiber optic cables are responsible for 99% of international data traffic". Isn't it interesting that our "wireless" internet relies on cables that lie deep down in our oceans?
    • Development

      After brainstorming in the start-up phase, the students now learn step by step more about the paths that data takes when we use the Internet. This phase starts with a short video showing how our global connectedness is based on a transatlantic cable laid at sea more than a century ago. After the video has been shown, the students are given the task of finding out more about undersea cables; a website helps them to do this. One of the aims is to find out where the cables are located. Pupils then place strings on the world map to show where the various submarine cables are located. Additionally, they also present what else they have found out about submarine cables.

    • URL icon

      Use worksheet 3 and the website about submarine cables to find out about how computers are connected. To visualize, put threads to show the cables (groupwork). Ask the students to imitate how the cables connect us digitally. You can play a game depicting a signal going from Point A to B.

    • URL icon

      Next use worksheet 4 and this website about data centres to find out major data centres and server farms are located around the world. To visualize, take wooden cubes (groupwork). Ask the students to place them on the countries and continents that have the largest data centres and server farms.

    • URL icon

      Next use worksheet 5 and the website about e-waste to find out which countries produce a lot of e-waste and which don’t. To visualize, take e-waste samples (groupwork). Ask the students to place them on the countries which produce a lot of e-waste and which don’t. 

    • Consolidation

      Following the presentation, further questions will be discussed together to deepen the topic. Worksheet 6 offers prepared questions, which can of course be expanded. 

  • Unit 4 - A Future with or without Technology?

    This unit focuses on the future, with or without digital technologies. The students first receive information from various viewpoints on what a future with digital technologies could look like. The students are then asked to consider questions concerning various future scenarios. The focus here is on the "future workshop" method.

    • Sam


      The unit begins with a video that introduces current digital developments and looks at them from different perspectives. Among other things, the terms robotics, artificial intelligence and digital capitalism are explained. Furthermore, reference is made to questions of social, ecological and economic sustainability.

      TimeDuration: 3,25 hrs

      RucksackRequired materials:
      • Pen and Paper
      • Laptop / Smartphone / Tablet
      • Booklet: A Future with or without Technology?

      Kompetenzen_Version2At the end of this Unit, the participants are able to:

      ... define current concepts on developments in the IT sector and enter into a discussion about them.

      ... work with others on future concepts and outline developments.

      ... define and argue measures for a more sustainable development in the IT sector.

    • Checklist icon
    • Watch

      Check out the Video: A Future with or without Technology? and Video: What can our future look like?

      Write down all key terms and their meanings in the Glossary: Sustainability and Digitality.

      Video: A future with or without technology?  

      This video shows the perspectives of various scientists on the question of whether our future will take place with or without digital technologies. The video is aimed primarily at older students and teachers.

      Video: What can our future look like?



      This video gives an overview of what our future could look like. The visual presentation supports the content. The video is aimed primarily at younger students.

    • File icon
    • Development

      In a future workshop, students are encouraged to sketch possible future developments of one or more trends discussed in the video. The aim is not to draw future scenarios that are as realistic as possible. It is about imagining a version of the future that is as dystopian or utopian as possible, as well as discussing the question of whether such a future will occur or not. What measures need to be taken to enable or prevent such a future. The future workshop can be held both in an online format and in person.

      Here you can see an overview of the various steps of the future workshop. Step 1 - Step 6 represent the Development phase, Step 7 the Consolidation and Step 8 the Follow-Up.

      You can find the materials for conducting the future workshop HERE. The material is available as a booklet to print out (DinA3) and also as worksheets in DinA4 format. It is also possible to edit and adapt the worksheets individually.

      Future workshop

    • In Step 2: COLLECT IMPRESSIONS you should collect various impressions. Take another look at Units 1 to 3.
      What content surprised you the most? Which arguments do you find particularly important? Make notes in the booklet in Step 2 and try to write down the main arguments.


    • Consolidation

      Step 7:

      The groups present their ideas of a future to each other. Are there
      commonalities in the measures needed to prevent dystopian futures? Are there
      commonalities in the measures needed for a better future in a digitally connected
    • Follow-up

      At the conclusion, all teams put their resolutions on a shared poster.

    • URL icon

      You can also collect your demands for your joint resolution in a digital tool here. We use taskcards for this purpose, for example.

    • Folder icon