Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education (SEE)

Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education: Content, Competencies & Approaches for Secondary School Teachers

The LTP Units aim to promote and develop entrepreneurial competences such as "creativity, vision, valuing ideas, ethical and sustainable thinking, self-awareness, motivation, mobilising resources, taking initiative, learning through experience" embedded in the thematic complex "City of the Future". It offers an interdisciplinary perspective on urbanization, urban greening, mobility, biodiversity, environmental protection, digitalization and tourism and engages in a variety of participation and design opportunities by creating products/services for their City of the Future.


The LTP focuses on the promotion of entrepreneurial competences within the framework of project-based learning/design thinking and under the reflective guidance of the teachers. 

Author(s): Eszter Csepe-Bannert (CORedu)

 Credits: Puha Dorin / 

ECTS Credits: 2

LTP Overview

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⬇️ Below, you can view and download the Learning and Teaching package with all the activities included, in English ⬇️

Unit 1. Introduction to the Sustainable Entrepreneurship

Unit 1 is knowledge-basis around entrepreneurship and sustainability competences supported by focusing questions. The materials are recommended for educators who are educating pre-service and/or in-service teachers. This unit aims to reflect on the level of the entrepreneurial mindset of the teachers in a creative and trustful atmosphere.

Click to see and download Unit 1
     Click to download Handouts for Unit 1

Unit 2. Self-Reflection around Entrepreneurship

Unit 2 ist self-reflection on values and attitudes towards sustainability and entrepreneurship. This unit raises the awareness of the teachers for fostering their own sustainable and entrepreneurship competences. Through different reflective phases teachers get aware of their motivation to work with these topics and also with the possibilities of interdisciplinary linking the theory (GreenComp, EntreComp) with the practice (own living and teaching environment).

Click to see and download Unit 2

Unit 3. Transfer into Teaching Practice

Unit 3 supports teachers by the transfer of their know-how, values, attitudes, and motivation into the teaching practice. The key focus is to get into action while elaborating ideas on how to connect the sustainable entrepreneurship approach with own teaching subject.

Click to see and download Unit 3

Unit 4. Implementation

In Unit 4 the participants develop their own teaching and learning materials by aligning the learning objectives of their subject(s) with the sustainable entrepreneurship competencies. Furthermore, the participants also elaborate hands on working materials for students and set the assessment methods and tools for the assessment of the learning outcomes. There are examples provided.

Click to see and download Unit 4     Click to see and download Further Examples of SEE

Unit 5. A Journey to a More Sustainable City with SEE

Unit 5 is more practice-based, and would be of interest for student teachers and teachers to implement directly in the classroom. It aims to inspire to develop sustainable entrepreneurship competences among students in an engaging and fun way, while at the same time giving knowledge-basis around key concepts. Students will set on a journey to improve their local surroundings by critically exploring what could be improved and how in their own cities or towns.

Click to see and download Unit 5     Click to see and download Handouts for Unit 5

Unit 5 (Version B) A Journey to a More Sustainable City with SEE

As in Unit 5, previous version, this unit is of interest for student teachers and teachers to implement the materials directly in the classroom. Students will set on a journey to improve their local surroundings by critically exploring what could be improved and how in their own cities or towns. The difference is that here we suggest alternatives to activities with LEGO® bricks and offer additional options to work in a creative way while taking into consideration the sustainability and entrepreneurship aspects.

Click to see and download Unit 5B     Click to see and download Handouts for Unit 5B

Learning and Teaching package courses

Below you can have browse the Learning and Teaching package in the form of courses.

LTP7 - Template
Eszter Csepe-Bannert

LTP7 - Template

This is the first part of the LTP1 on Sustainable Europe.