Sustainability & Environmental Education
Sustainability and Environmental Education: Content, Competencies & Approaches for Primary School Teachers
This LTP approaches the relation between environmental education and sustainability. The LTP is organised in four units structured in a common theme: One Earth. Each unit approaches one sustainable development goal (SDG). Different educational resources are used to develop content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge about actions to protect biodiversity and water, actions for sustainable consumption and actions for energy consumption reduction.
The LTP is focused on hands-on and digital educational resources for the development of primary school students’ sustainability competences.
Author(s): Bento Cavadas, Susana Colaco, Neusa Branco, Elisabete Linhares (Politécnico de Santarém, Portugal)
Credits: Cover Photo by the Politécnico de Santarém* Team, TAP-TS Partner
ECTS Credits: 1.5
LTP Overview

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Unit 1. Introduction to Sustainability and Environmental Education
Unit 1 is an introduction to sustainability and environmental education. Unit 1 content is oriented for teachers. Teachers exploring sustainability and environmental education can have a profound impact on students and society as a whole. Exploring environmental education is crucial for teachers because it addresses a range of issues that impact the planet, society, and individual. Teaching sustainability fosters a sense of global citizenship. Students become aware of their role in a global community and the interconnectedness of environmental issues worldwide.
Click to see and download Unit 1Click to download Handouts for Unit 1
Unit 2. My Actions to Protect Biodiversity
Unit 2 focuses on the SDG 15 | Life on Land. The SDG 15 main purposes are to protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
Click to see and download Unit 2 Click to download Handouts for Unit 2
Unit 3. My Actions to Protect Water
Unit 3 invites to discuss and reflect on practices which aim is to develop the primary school students' understanding about water being part of complex global interrelationships and systems. Different situations to stimulate the primary school reasoning about the Earth’ water amount, how water is distributed and how water is used in different cultural contexts are going to be presented.
Click to see and download Unit 3
Click to download Handouts for Unit 3
Unit 4. My Actions to Protect Energy
Unit 4 aims to improve students' understanding of the concept of energy, the distinction between non-renewable energy resources and renewable energy resources. The objective is to better understand how small individual choices for a more sustainable lifestyle can have an impact on saving energy and contribute to the adoption of energy-saving behaviours.
Click to see and download Unit 4 Click to download Handouts for Unit 4
Learning and Teaching package courses
Below you can have browse the Learning and Teaching package in the form of courses.