A Sustainable Europe

A Sustainable Europe: Content, Competencies & Approaches for Secondary School Teachers

This introductory LTP provides secondary-level teachers and teacher educations with a foundation in education for sustainability in European schools, in theory and in practice, through four complementary units. In unit 1, participants explore sustainability values, sustainability thinking, sustainable futures and sustainability actions. Unit 2 outlines European measures for sustainability, and how teachers and students can be directly involved.  Unit 3 focuses on education for sustainability, including values, beliefs and practices. Unit 4 addresses decoloniality, sustainability and linguistic and cultural diversity in European schools. Many activities are also suitable for use with secondary-level school students 


This LTP includes a range of activities for engaging secondary level educators and students with sustainability, sustainability education and the question of a sustainable Europe, in theory and in practice.

Author(s): Rachel Bowden, Denise Hornig, Katrin Lange & Ulrike Lange (TU Dresden), Conor Galvin & Katelyn Stainforth (University College Dublin) 

Credits: Jacob_09 / shutterstock.com 

ECTS Credits: 2

LTP Overview

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⬇️ Below, you can view and download the Learning and Teaching package with all the activities included, in English ⬇️

Unit 1. Sustainability and Me

Unit 1, ‘Sustainability and me’, engages learners to consider what sustainability and sustainability education mean to them in European and international discourses. It is intended for use with secondary-level students, but some activities may be adapted for use with primary level and/or for student teachers.  The unit is divided into four main sections: sustainability values, sustainability thinking, envisioning sustainable futures and acting for sustainability.

Click to see and download Unit 1
     Click to download Handouts for Unit 1

Unit 2. Envisioning a Sustainable Europe

Unit 2 “Envisioning a Sustainable Europe” invites participants to imagine the European Union (EU) as a sustainable society while diving deep into the current risks towards a sustainable EU and opportunities that are being taken to contribute to one. It poses several key questions: Why is it important to be sustainable? Why should we know the risks? Why and how can certain opportunities for a sustainable Europe be created? This unit aims at exploring the role of teachers and students in how they can act for change in collaboration with others, also identifying their own potential for a sustainable Europe.

Click to see and download Unit 2     Click to download Handouts for Unit 2

Unit 3. Education for Sustainable Futures

Unit 3, ‘Education for Sustainable Futures’, engages educators to critically consider the potential of education to support the transition to more just and sustainable futures. The unit is divided into four sections: ’Education and Un-sustainability’; ‘Decoloniality and education for sustainable futures’; ‘Identities and discrimination in education’; ‘Future-oriented reflection and action’.

Click to see and download Unit 3
     Click to download Handouts for Unit 3

Unit 4. Multilingual Education for Sustainability

Unit 4 ‘Multilingual Education and Sustainability’ explores multilingual education and the connections with sustainability in theory and practice. It is intended for use in teacher education (with student teachers and serving teachers). Premised on the recognition that language is intertwined with almost every aspect of education (including our construction of social contexts and activities, and pedagogical processes, goals and activities) this unit is of relevance for educators of all curriculum subjects.

Click to see and download Unit 4
     Click to download Handouts for Unit 4