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Autumn School 2024

Beyond borders: Whole school approaches to sustainability education 

for secondary level educators and school leaders

Course description

This event brings together secondary level teachers, school leaders and teacher educators to explore sustainability education ‘beyond borders’ including whole school and inter-disciplinary pedagogical approaches to sustainability education. The Autumn School is hosted by Friedrich-Schiller Gymnasium, Pirna Germany (FSGP), the TAP-TS partner school who has led on whole school approaches. FSGP is located near to the Czech-German border, and is renowned as a bilingual school and is a champion of democratic, anti-racist and sustainability education.

The 5-day face-to-face event takes place both in the school and in out of school learning places. Through interactive workshops and reflection sessions educators will learn about each other’s experience and teaching contexts, and critically engage with a range of TAP-TS learning and teaching materials. In addition to the focus on whole school approaches, workshops on sustainability education and decoloniality, entrepreneurship education, digitality and serious games will engage participants with a range of interdisciplinary pedagogical methods and materials. Moreover, activities in the local area will provide hands-on sustainability education experience and insights into this environmentally and culturally unique border area.

English is the main shared language of communication in this multilingual event. Participants are also invited to interact in their preferred language/s, and to translate and translanguage

Application is open from 30.04.24 until 30.06.24

You will be notified in the first week of July, if you have been accepted.

Course schedule

September 27th- October 1st, in Pirna, Germany 🗺️


Registrations are closed

----------[Translation in German]---------

Herbstakademie 2024

Jenseits der Grenzen: Whole school approach und Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung

für Pädagog:innen der Sekundarstufe, Multiplikator:innen und Schulleiter:innen.


Diese Veranstaltung bringt Lehrkräfte der Sekundarstufe, Führungskräfte und Multiplikator:innen bzw. Akteure der Lehrer:innenbildung zusammen, um Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung "jenseits der Grenzen" unter Berücksichtigung des Whole School Approach sowie fächerübergreifender pädagogischer Ansätze zu diskutieren. Gastgeber der Herbstakademie ist das Friedrich-Schiller-Gymnasium in Pirna, Deutschland (FSGP), die Partnerschule von TAP-TS, welche bei der Entwicklung ganzheitlicher Schulkonzepte federführend war. Das FSGP liegt in der Nähe der tschechisch-deutschen Grenze, ist als zweisprachige Schule bekannt und setzt sich für eine demokratische, antirassistische sowie nachhaltige Bildung ein.

Die fünftägige Präsenzveranstaltung findet sowohl in der Schule als auch an außerschulischen Lernorten statt. In interaktiven Workshops und Reflexionsrunden begegnen Pädagog:innen unterschiedlichen Erfahrungen bzw. Unterrichtskontexten und setzen sich kritisch mit einer Reihe von TAP-TS-Lern- und Lehrmaterialien auseinander. Neben dem Schwerpunkt auf gesamtschulischen Ansätzen werden Workshops zu Nachhaltigkeitserziehung und Dekolonialität, unternehmerischer Bildung, Digitalität und Serious Games durchgeführt, welche die Teilnehmer:innen mit einer Reihe von interdisziplinären pädagogischen Methoden und Materialien vertraut machen. Darüber hinaus werden Aktivitäten in der Region ermöglicht, die praktische Erfahrungen in der Nachhaltigkeitsbildung und Einblicke in dieses ökologisch und kulturell einzigartige Grenzgebiet bieten.

Englisch dient als Hauptkommunikationssprache bei dieser mehrsprachigen Veranstaltung. Die Teilnehmer sind gleichzeitig eingeladen, in ihrer bevorzugten Sprache zu kommunizieren und zu übersetzen.

Die Bewerbung ist vom 30.04.24 bis zum 30.06.24 möglich.

Sie werden in der ersten Juliwoche benachrichtigt, wenn Sie angenommen wurden.

Zeitplan für den Kurs

27. September - 1. Oktober, in Pirna, Deutschland


Anmeldungen sind geschlossen


Summer School 2024

Exploring methodologies on Teaching and Learning Sustainability  

for primary education teachers and instructional leaders 

Course description

The 2nd TAP-TS Summer/Spring School brings together primary school teachers and instructional leaders from across Europe to discuss methodologies, strategies and practices to promote sustainability goals. This face-to-face quality professional learning experience aims to support educators in becoming familiar with teaching and learning methodologies such as problem-solving and inquiry-based learning, STEM/STEAM approach, promoting critical thinking and argumentation. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss, share and critically reflect on activities and/or adapt material from the Learning and Teaching Packages (LTPs) prepared by the TAP-TS project partners. 

Moreover, the whole school approach will be in focus. Instructional leaders and teachers will have the opportunity to explore approaches, tools and procedures that support in-school teachers’ professional learning about sustainability and promote students’ learning via integrating sustainability in the curriculum. Common goals, collective action and reflection will be the focus for transforming our schools into sustainability hubs, where students are being prepared for active citizenship.

The Summer/Spring School aims to contribute to the creation and evolution of a community of educators who work towards the promotion of education for sustainable futures in Europe, in an interactive and trusting professional context. 

Course schedule

2-6 April, 2024, in Nicosia, Cyprus 🗺️

This 5-day course is offered fully face to face. It will include workshops, seminars and field work.


Applications for a fully funded place ➡️ are open ⬅️ until February 18th, 2024

Draft Program for Summer School in Nicosia


Summer School 2023

Teaching sustainability 

for primary and secondary level

Course description

This summer school brings together teachers, student teachers and teacher educators from across Europe to explore and exchange approaches for learning, teaching, and reflecting on sustainability in their contexts of practice. Focus areas include the issue of digitality and the role of education and teachers’ professional learning in sustainability, the implementation of whole school approaches for  sustainability.

Summer school will provide quality teachers’ learning concerning teaching sustainability in European schools, set within a supportive and challenging mobility experience. It will enhance teachers’ awareness on the impact one’s behaviour has on the environment, and it will empower them to reflect upon their own practices.

The summer school will provide opportunities for participants to experience a range of process-oriented methods and approaches, based on the principles of cooperative learning and collective intelligence, experience-based pedagogy and decision-making processes as members of a community in which trusting relationships are of a core feature. Raising awareness about the importance of learning for sustainability will be of major importance, as it will aim to encourage participants to take action individually and with others to transform our schools and shape sustainable futures for everyone. 

Course schedule

26-30 June, in Larnaca, Cyprus 🗺️

Venue: Sun Hall Hotel 🏨

This 5-day course is offered fully face to face. It will include workshops, seminars and field work.


Applications for a fully funded place ➡️ are open ⬅️ until May 30th, 2023


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