Travelling does not only concern the type of transportation. If you want to be a green, sustainable traveler there is more you can do. 

Reflect on the following tips and share your view on the next page.


1. Avoid (domestic) flights

If possible, take a bus or train instead of a plane.

2. Choose an eco-friendly car for road trips

Try to hire the most eco-friendly car you can (electric if possible). And only hire a car that's as big as you need. You don't need to hire a minibus if there's only 2 of you travelling with a small backpack each!

3. Switch the light off when you leave a room

If you're the last to leave a room, switch the lights off. There's no need to pointlessly waste energy.

4. Unplug your devices when they're not charging

Although most devices are a bit more energy efficient these days, if something is plugged in and switched on it can still draw energy even if your device is fully charged.

5. Take shorter showers (5 min. max.)

Taking a 5-minute shower as opposed to a 10-minute shower is much better for the planet.

6. Turn the water off when brushing your teeth

You don't need the water to be running when you're actually brushing your teeth, only when you need to rinse the brush. Stop watching that water go down the drain.

7. Use a bamboo toothbrush

A bamboo toothbrush does the job just as well as a plastic one and can normally be composted rather than ending up in a landfill site or in the ocean.

8. Buy Local

Always buy souvenirs or food from local people. (Choose a locally owned cafe rather than Starbucks). You're supporting the local economy and reducing the carbon footprint of any items you buy.

9. Stay on the path

If you're going on a hike, then stay on the proper paths. Straying away from the designated route can cause damage to delicate plants and if you get lost the local emergency services have to be deployed which costs the local economy money and resources.

10. Carry a reusable water bottle

Plenty of places will fill your water bottle for free, there's no need to buy so many plastic bottles which are often not recycled.

11. Stop buying takeaway coffees

You're travelling, sit down and enjoy your coffee rather than taking it with you. Or carry a reusable coffee cup if you feel you always have to be on the go.

12. Only buy what you need

You have to take all you buy with you, so the less you buy the easier it is to travel anyway.

13. Learn some of the language

Learn to say hello, thank you, please and goodbye at the very least.

14. Ask permission to take a picture

Never take peoples photographs without asking for permission first. It's just rude.

15. Never ask for a plastic bag

Don't ask for a plastic bag in a shop. A cloth shopping bag takes up virtually no room in your backpack. Try to buy one made from sustainable organic cotton.


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