Topic outline

  • The 2nd day dealt with Critical Thinking and Argumentation competence and with the methodology of problem-based learning.

    • Critical Thinking and Argumentation

      Floria Valanidou, Christina Stavrou | Cyprus Pedagogical Institute

      The session focused on Critical Thinking Skills and Subskills. More emphasis was given to the basic elements of arguments and the evaluation of the quality of arguments. Based on one of the Participants worked in small groups to develop activities that promote critical thinking skills and discussed the relationship between critical thinking skills and the curricula in their country/province/school. 

    • Critical Thinking and Argumentation – Scenario-based Game

      Bart Verswijvel | Eummena

      The participants played a scenario-based game focusing on argumentation and decision-making. The main scenario was related to the possible building of a holiday resort on an island with a small population and well-preserved nature. Participants had to hear the different views of stakeholders (local people, authorities, investors), and also reflect on scientific resources. The Game is part of the TAP-TS Learning and Teaching Package on Climate Crisis Resilience.

    • The use of AI for problem-based learning in sustainability education

      Arjana Blazic | EUMMENA

      This online-presentation focused on problem-based learning (PBL) and on key components of PBL. Participants used a Padlet to share ideas and they were introduced to a number of generative AI tools, both AI Education Tools and AI Educator Tools. The focused mainly on how to use AI to generate, compare and adapt driving questions, on how to create a full project based on the principles of PBL, and on how to use AI generated formative assessment. 

    • Evaluation/Reflection on Day 2

      Marie Kniest, Annika Rickard, Mats Westerberg | K&R Education

      Participants worked on giving feedback regarding Day 2.

    • Walking Tour in Nicosia 
      Marios Epameinondas | Association for Historical Dialogue and Research (AHDR)

      A tour was organized for participants to get to know some information about the history of Nicosia. The tour was offered by a member of the Association for Historical Dialogue and Research.