The final day of the Summer School was dedicated to final reflections and evaluation.
Storytelling, perspective taking and empathy
Gemma Molenaar | Amnesty International
This reflection session started with storytelling where the participants took on a journey into a part of the facilitator’s family history and her connection with sea and waters. After that, the participants learned about the story of Bernardo and his battle to protect the sacred river in Cabón, Guatemala. Bernardo was unjustly incarcerated and therefore Amnesty took action. After the participants learned about Bernardo, they went on investigating a few different stories about defenders of environmental and climate justice around the world. This session focused on the theory of perspective taking, in which educators can use personal stories of people to promote empathy with their students. With this theory in mind the participants worked on how they can transfer that knowledge to their own classrooms. -
Our reflection trees – Fruits
Maria Eracleous, Efi Paparistodemou | Cyprus Pedagogical Institute
In this final reflection activity participants worked with their reflection teams. They used paper-fruits and noted the activities or ideas they would use after the summer school on teaching sustainability. They placed their “fruits” on the wooden reflection trees and discussed their “gains” with their reflection-mates. Then, Maria Eracleous coordinated the plenary part, during which each team brought their wooden tree to the central floor of the conference room and stood around the perimeter, creating a big circle. Efi Paparistodemou, took on the hardest task to point out connections among the elements that were expressed/formulated by all the reflection teams.