LTP Compendium

Learning & Teaching Packages Compendium
To learn more about the LTPs Design Process, Methodological Underpinnings, Validation processes and Lessons Learnt at policy, institutional and personal levels, look at the LTPs Compendium and Educators’ Resource.
The TAP-TS Learning and Teaching Packages (further LTPs) are Learning and Teaching Programmes that include sets of open and flexible learning & teacher materials, co-developed and validated by the TAP-TS Partnership. Firstly, the LTPs are planned as formalised modules that can be taken and freely adopted / adapted by teacher education institutions across the European Union.
Secondly, they include materials and resources for teachers to directly implement in their classrooms, with needed adaptations. The core purpose of the LTPs is to motivate, build confidence, and provide teacher educators, teachers, and student teachers with high-quality, materials, ideas, and other practical support on educating for a greener, more sustainable Europe. These materials have formed the foundations for the TAP-TS Academy activity over the life of the project.